Sunday, July 5, 2009

Have a Cow!

Let me start by saying that I am blown away by the beads this woman makes. They are so detailed, cute, and full of personality. She currently has two shops-her original shop and one for the beads that didn't quite make the cut but are still fabulous and lower priced. I chose one from this shop-a hard choice I must say. Blueberry the Cow was my winner. She is just "pinch your cheeks" adorable! If you can believe it she is only $5! She would be awesome on a necklace or bracelet. Maybe you aren't a jewelry maker-no biggie-find a bead you can't live without and I can make it into a custom necklace for you. If you have time check out both of her shops and be amazed at what this woman does- mini glass sculpture at its best. Blueberry Baby


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